MagicGreen showcases examples, infos and addresses of all stuff green. Sustainable, environment-friendly examples from South East Asia and beyond.

About us

Working towards a necessary future.

"Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

"Tidak ada yang sekuat sebuah gagasan yang waktunya telah tiba." Victor Hugo

Feeding the green baby.

The growing concern about the ecological impact is a fact worldwide. In recent years there has been lots of press about the environment and how to preserve it. Experts are urging the world to clean up our actions and change the way we operate.

While the commodities industries fagocitate natural habitats, we need to reach the critical mass to be non ignorable.

Ecologically sustainable business needs to communicate about their low impact practices and policies.

South East Asia has already a growing industry of environmentally conscious business operators. Green minded business must let the customer know, so to be choosen, in order to beat the competition.

The island of Bali have all interests to show the actions taken to minimise impact and conserve the environment. There is always a need to improve your country image.

Green and sustainable businesses practices are both necessary and a growing reality. Conscious tourists want to know who is doing the right thing and are ready to support them. The time is perfect to fill this gap.

The Magic Green project.

We see an urgent need for a communication platform which gather infos, good examples and connect. We started this information tool to let the world know and to push the best examples. We need to inspire and show what can be done and who is doing it.

Our project is a website and a printed magazine. We are building a internet based platform to gather infos, examples and addresses of all stuff green related in Bali and beyond.

We are open-source, copyright-free. We encourage you to print any article of our website and please forward this to anyone that might be interested among your network of friends and colleagues. Print to a PDF file in order to save trees, of course.

We aim to inspire responsible travelling and the responsible tourism industry. Follow us to know what's up!

About us Who?

We are a network of communication professionals, with a solid experience producing communication tools.

We feel the need to make something meaningful and necessary. Magic Green is Rokma brainchild, produced by

We'd like to give a contribution to push the world toward the right direction. Help us spread the message.