MagicGreen showcases examples, infos and addresses of all stuff green. Sustainable, environment-friendly examples from South East Asia and beyond.


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Raising awareness

Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean for a global network of marine protected areas.

Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean, ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas.

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Electric cars in Thailand

The Thai Government has a goal of getting 1.2 m electric vehicles on the road by 2036.

The rising number of relectric vehicles could have a major role in our society said Amonrat Kaewpradap of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand.

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The Ocean Cleanup

Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health and economies.

Trash accumulates in 5 ocean patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is impacting our health, ecosystems and economies.

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Bali Agri Tradeshow

With free entrance, you will be able to see, meet and buy plants, trees and organic products.

Among beautiful green booths there are many useful infos and products to discover, like a coconut climber tool called Ponkod.

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Rethink plastic

A movement to raise awareness of plastic pollution and the existing solutions. Movies, education, and government pressure.

A Plastic Ocean’s message raises the awareness of plastic pollution and the existing solutions. It is creating policy and social change around the world.

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Stop alien species

At recent ASEAN meeting Indonesia pushed the need to combat invasive alien species.

Invasive Alien Species are threats to the balance of natural ecosystems. Their presence poses risk as unwanted predators of endemic species.

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Bali water protection

This project calls on Bali’s leadership and responsibility to address the island’s diminishing water table and rapidly dropping levels of freshwater availability.

Bali is on the verge of an environmental catastrophe. Groundwater reserves are at 20% according to Politeknik Negeri Bali in a report published by Republika.

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Zooming in on biodiversity

An ASEAN wide photo contest capturing the richness of biological resources in the region.

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth and include microorganisms, fungi, plants, and animals, the communities they form, the habitats in which they live.

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ASEAN against plastic pollution

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) joins the movement against the use of plastics, supports the initiatives in banning plastic use.

Every year, the world produces around 5 trillion plastic bags. That is about 700 per person. Utilized for just a few minutes, take centuries to decompose.

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Gringgo smarter waste collection

Born in Bali this platform for recycling is tackling the trash problem head on.

In many places around the world, trash is a big problem and recycling is not easy, so people don't recycle. Gringgo make it easy.

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Trash hero

This global phenomena is growing bigger. And it's happening in Bali too.

Let's talk trash. The Trash Hero movement is a global phenomena and is growing bigger. They educate and act. In Bali too, people are taking action.

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Racing to clean

Volcom Indonesia offers an example of responsible action, the Red Bag race.

From the great mind of Ketut "King Kong" Kasih, owner of Volcom Indonesia. The red bag race is a competition to collect trash at surf contests.

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Eco Regions Indonesia

The Eco Region approach aspire to be a game changer for large scale green development.

The plan is to create green destination and attract the world's most engaged green partners and most passionate eco-tourists. Envision sustainable development.

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Byebye plastic bags

Youth Driven Change to get the people of Bali to say no to plastic bags.

Byebye plastic bags is an initiative from children to force people to say no to plastic bags, because of the enormous environmental pollution they cause.

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SOS from the deep

CTC provides education and training to make sure that marine protected areas!

Coral Reefs need our help now! More than 27% of the world’s coral reefs are already lost. If we don’t do anything about it, almost all of our coral reefs...