MagicGreen showcases examples, infos and addresses of all stuff green. Sustainable, environment-friendly examples from South East Asia and beyond.
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Bali plastic bags Ban

Denpasar just introduced a new prohibition of plastic bags, Styrofoam and plastic straws in supermarkets, convenience stores and shopping centres.

Starting with the new year, Bali Denpasar area has banned the plastic bags. Tabanan regency now is set to follow up with similar initiative.

The ban is expected to cover the whole island coming into effect in June 2019.

The raising concern about plastic pollution has got a lot of press attention. In the last few years that South East Asia in general, and Bali in particular, is in the news for its ocean and land plastic pollution levels.

Indonesian contemporary artist Handiwirman Saputra born in West Sumatra and living in Jogja, has taken on the responsibility to raise the plastic bag problem. In -Tak Berakar Tak Berpucuk- made in 2011, he highlights the activities of discarding things or objects that are no longer needed to river streams by putting them into plastic bags. Two plastic bags in gigantic size in two colours, black and white. Exhibited at Art Bali - Beyond the Myth

The Bye-Bye Plastic Bag campaign in Bali, created by Melati and Isabel Wijsen, in Bali, which has gained attention after former Governor Pastika signed a Memorandum of Understanding banning plastic bags in 2014, is now active in 18 countries.

The sisters were recently recognised by CNN as one of the world’s Young Wonders as part of the CNN Heroes event, giving the island and their movement enormous exposure.

"Around 97% of our members no longer provide plastic bags for consumers," Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Agraputra, Chairman of the Indonesian Retail Business Association or Aprindo Bali

Bio degradable plastic made from cassava

"It is our hope that all levels of society will be able to provide smart ideas as a substitute for plastic bags... Aprindo Bali’s support was very much appreciated." IGN Jaya Negara, Deputy Mayor of Denpasar.

Coming up on March 6 the Ogoh-Ogoh parades, will the effigies, traditionally constructed from bamboo and paper, but in recent years build with foam, be plastic and Styrofoam free in 2019?

Head of Denpasar Disbud, the provincial cultural department, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Mataram, has said this year's official Ogog-Ogoh parades will also respect the ban and avoid plastics and Styrofoam as a way to support the governor's initiative. Only bamboo, paper and natural products will be allowed, he told the press.

Use this bag again and again

In Australia a similar ban has prevented an estimated 1.5 billion bags being dumped into the environment according to The Guardian UK in December 2018.

Coles and Woolworths’ decided to stop offering single-use disposable plastic bags midway through the year and three months on the change has translated to an 80% drop in the consumption of plastic bags nationwide, according to the National Retail Association.

the Pepito/Popular supermarket chain has already adopted an 100% biodegradable plastic bag

A recent report in Reuters claims that between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags are used annually around the world. Less than 10% of this is recycled and much of the rest ends up in the oceans.

The UN Environment Program estimates that 8 million tonnes of plastic is dumped in the oceans each year. Over 60% of this which generated by China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

Oxium, Indonesian biodegradable plastic

Bogor in West Java, introduced a similar ban on single use plastic bags on December 1 2018, and local News Wires are reporting the country's capital Jakarta could be next on the list.

Shops like Satvika Boga in Sanur, have been promoting the use of plastic alternatives, for a while now. They sell this strong shopping bag for only 15.000 Rp.

We can't wait for this starting measure to spread, which could definitely be a game changer. Surely governments will need to followed up with more wide touching initiatives, covering supermarket product, currently still sold in plastic horizontal_spacings.

Other step will need to include helping establishing the newly born biodegradable plastic industry and a better organized trash collection system. But hey, a good starting is surely a positive news.


Telobag instagram

Evoware seaweed plastics

Oxium Indonesian biodegradable plastic

Avani website

Satvika Bhoga shop in Sanur

Eco Bali Recycling service

Avani biodegradable plastic life cycle

Evoware – Edible Sachet and Food Wraps Video

Evoware – Youtube channel

Reuters Evoware review

Bamboo straws

World Watch Institute

plastic oceans website

A Plastic Ocean - on Netflix

Byebye plastic bags website

Bali plastic bag free - video

It's about time we start listening - TedX video

Our campaign to ban plastic in Bali - Ted video